Wednesday, May 4, 2011

100 days!!

I feel like I should be posting something more outrageous for my 100th day of eating raw, but ah well...moving on.

So, there are some common misconceptions about eating all raw…

There are the people who think that all there is to eat is salad. Salad is delicious and to be completely honestly, I would be entirely too content to eat nothing but salad every day. But I eat a lot more than just salad. Trust me.

There’s also the idea that eating raw is super easy and that it doesn’t take any time to prepare meals… well, if all you wanna eat is salad, then you’re absolutely correct. It is extremely easy.

On the flip side, there are some people who think raw food is all time consuming… like food has taken over your life or something.  These are usually the people who’ve been reading far too many of Sarma Melngailis’s good looking cookbooks.  Dehydrating, juicing, soaking, sprouting…it all takes so much time and effort.

Just like with “normal” food, there are recipes that take lots of effort and other’s that you can just throw together last minute.  I’m trying to take a balanced approach.  Almost all the time, I just want simple. A salad, smoothie, piece of fruit, or a handful of almonds.  Other times, I wanna make something more time consuming.  (For example, about two weeks ago, I made this incredibly tasty Pumpkin Pecan Spice Cheesecake. It was delish! And mine looked just like the picture. Yay!)

I like to sprout seeds and such…it’s super nutritious! And alive! :) I just have to plan it so I can do it on my days off, cause you have to rinse the sprouts every few hours. I don’t mind taking a little extra time with meals and snacks. If I think ahead, I can usually make quite a few things at once and be set for a while.

Here’s something I made today, “Chocolate Banana Protein Bars”.  These are similar to the “Buckwheat Brownies” I was telling you about, except these don’t have any form of sugar in them…just bananas. I’m trying to watch my sugar intake. If you want it sweeter, add honey or agave, just know that you might need to add extra dry ingredients.  These bars are pretty soft. If you want to make them firmer, just use 2 bananas.  *shrug* this isn’t a perfect recipe…but it’s delicious and nutritious! ;)

What you need:
2 cups sprouted buckwheat
3 bananas, mashed
¼ cup almond butter
¾ cup raw cacao (or regular cocoa)
1 teaspoon maca (optional)
¼ cup hemp protein powder
¾ cup almond flour
¾ cup sesame seed flour*
1 teaspoon vanilla

To finish it off:
Stir together really well! I used a wooden spoon, cause I was afraid a mixer would send the dry ingredients flying.  If the dough is too sticky, add a little more almond or sesame seed flour.  Line an 8x8 inch pan with plastic wrap. Spread dough out and cover with more plastic wrap.  Put the pan in the freezer for about 30 minutes.  Pull out and cut into bars. Wrap each one individually if you want. Store in the fridge.

*It’s super easy to make sesame seed “flour.”  Grab a coffee bean grinder and blend the sesame seeds into a fine powder.


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