Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 81 of 365: Obsessions....

Obsessions can be good. Or bad. Depending on what it is, how far you take it, and what’s involved… 

If it’s say, an obsession with chocolate, I’d say you’re okay. Perfectly acceptable and sane.  If you take it so far as to put chocolate in and on everything, I’d say you’re still in the acceptable and perfectly sane category. However, if you must rob a bank or bribe your little sisters to sustain your obsession/addiction…you’ve crossed a line and things have gone too far. Get some help.

Can you tell I have chocolate on the mind?  I desperately need some and don’t have any.  But chocolate, believe it or not, is not my obsession.

I’m obsessed with salads. *contented sigh*

Please don’t judge me.

Here’s my favorite salad these days. I put it in a big bowl and enjoy the entire thing, chomping down every little delicious bit. I like it because it’s got a little bit of sweet, salty, and sour. You can alter the amounts if you like or add different things...this is just the way I do it. ;)  The dressing makes more than you’ll need…but that’s okay! It keeps in the fridge. :) Taste it before dousing your salad and add more seasonings if you like.

What you need:
¼ lb baby greens (I get mine at Whole Foods)
1 tomato, diced
1 cup cauliflower, chopped
½ cup carrots, chopped small
½ cup onion, diced
¾ cup sprouted beans (quinoa, mung…)
½ cup chopped nuts or seeds (I like sunflower seeds, walnuts, or cashews)
½ cup raisins
Nutritional yeast, enough to taste (I usually sprinkle on a couple tablespoons after I add the dressing)

¾ cup apple cider vinegar
¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup flax seed oil
3 tablespoons Braggs liquid amino
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Pinch of salt

Blend the dressing up and pour desired amount over salad. Mix up the whole thing and consume!



  1. I don't think there's a thing wrong with being obsessed with salads. And since you're a raw foodist, it actually makes a lot of sense. :)

    I love salads too...especially cabbage salads, and my favorite dressings are those made with fruit juice.

    Your salad dressing sounds interesting though. I've never had any liquid amino. What kind of flavor does it have? I use a lot of flax seeds and flax meal when I cook, but I've never used flax oil. I might have to try it.

    I've heard that apple cider vinegar is really good for you and when I finish the vinegar I have in my fridge right now, I want to try it.

    Anyway, your salad sounds awesome with the dried fruit, nuts, and veggies. I'm sure I would love it! :)

  2. I'm starting to think maybe obsessed was the wrong word. Addicted might be more accurate. oh well. :)

    I love cabbage as well! I've never made a dressing with fruit juice. Sounds tasty though!

    Liquid amino is a lot like soy sauce...that's the only way I can think to describe it. It just adds an extra "something" to salad dressings. Flax seed oil has a rich nutty flavor. Trader Joe's brand is what we buy, and it's delicious!

    Apple cider vinegar is great! Sometimes in the morning my mom and I will have a spoonful straight from the bottle (not for its taste, of course). Haha! It definitely jump starts the day!

    Thanks for stopping by, Sheila! :)

  3. Thanks so much for telling me about the liquid amino acid. I like soy sauce so I'm sure I'd like that. :)
