Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 39 of 365: Jungle Smoothie.

Ah! It’s been much too long since I last updated. I apologize for that. I guess I was waiting for something significant to happen in my life…or with my food. I’m still waiting for that. Raw food was a revelation in itself, I guess. But I suppose I was waiting for some mighty recipe to come my way or a superfood to grab me by the throat and change my existence. *sigh* no such monster.

Still. Despite the serious lack of drama in my life, I wanna share a recipe that I created the other day.  Nothing crazy. But crazy good. And! I took pictures. :) get excited. 

Okay, so what do you think of the name of my smoothie? Pretty radical, huh? Makes you wanna head to a rain forest and swing from the trees and act like a monkey, right? No? Maybe that was just me... I actually came up with the name first, and then figured out what was gonna go in it. ;) I put the ingredients in the order that you should put them in the blender. Of course, if you have a normal blender like me, you have to add the dandelion greens a little at a time.

Jungle Smoothie
2 bananas
1 mango
1 bunch dandelion greens
1 apple

Blend and enjoy! Add water if you need to. Throw in some frozen fruit if you like! I did. Oh! By the way, dandelion greens are good for cleansing your liver. Very happy indeed.

these are my lovely ingredients. didn't they pose nicely for the picture?

here's the set up! notice my knife and cutting board? and if you look close enough, you can see the plastic bags behind the blender. my other greens for the week, washed and ready to go!

caught in action! got this picture while it was blending...check out the "wave" on the right side of the blender!

the added frozen strawberries. I also added a bit of frozen papaya and pineapple.

the finished product! :)


  1. Oh how yummy!!! I think the mango is what grabs me on this one :) Love, love, LOVE mango :D The name is amazing...super awesome.

  2. I love it! The name makes me feel adventuresome! The colors are gorgeous! If you ever need a topic, you could do some histories/info on raw foods, or a basic "menu"--what you eat on regular basis for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This stuff is so fascinating. :-)

  3. Sounds wonderful even though I have no idea what dandelion greens taste like. Maybe I should put on my adventurous hat and try it, eh. :) Thanks for sharing the recipe by the way! :)

  4. @Bethy: yes, mango is incredible. my new thing is freezing mango pieces and eating them frozen. :) try it. so good.

    @Alicia, thanks for the ideas! As you can see, I listened to your advice. ;)

    @Sheila, yes! put on your adventurous hat and join the fun! when it comes to these crazy green smoothies you have to be prepared for anything. ;)

  5. I'll see if I can find some dandelion greens at the store when I go on Monday. If I can't find them, maybe I'll make a smoothie with parsley instead. I'm so totally nuts about parsley you wouldn't believe it! :)
