Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 8 of 365: A Day in the Life of an Amateur “Raw Foodist.”

It’s been a week. Yes. A calendar week since I started this insanity called “raw food diet.”  I’ve decided that blogging about it would be a good thing, possibly a “healthy” thing.  I’ve been so encouraged and inspired by other people's stories and lifestyle changes and recipes, that I figured, “hey why not add to the pot too?”

Cause it really is like a pot. A big pot of raw, cold, juiced, dehydrated soup of information.

That was a really lame attempt at a raw food joke.

Anyway…I was wondering last Monday when I started this if I would feel any different after a week. I check myself over. Do I feel different?  To be honest. Not totally.  But I can feel gradual changes. Like during the day, I have ridiculous amounts of energy and clarity. For real. And when I wake up, I’m not so groggy.

Side note: I guess I shouldn’t be expected HUGE differences, because at the beginning of September last year, I was probably “half raw” without realizing it. I didn’t do sugar, gluten, or dairy….and I did a heck of a lot of fruits and veggies. However, I still ate animal products on occasion…beef, chicken, fish, eggs. And I did consume cooked veggies and beans.

Beware: now I get to be geeky. I wanna tell you about some AMAZING resources I’ve found.  Mostly books, but some websites too.  The first book I read was “12 Steps to Raw Foods: How to End Your Dependency on Cooked Food” by Victoria Boutenko.  That was like my “epiphany” book. It’s nice cause it just kinda outlines all of the “issues” with cooked foods and goes into some scientific info too. She writes her story in there, which is pretty fascinating and gives some recipes that have been helpful for her and her family.

The second book that I adore (and plan on buying) is called "Raw Energy" by Stephanie Tourles. She is fabulous and so much fun! This book is basically a cookbook with energy bars, smoothies, snacks, desserts, etc… I love it! I’ll probably be posting my favorite recipes from it later on.

I’m in the middle of reading "Living Raw Food" by Sarma Melngailis. (cool name, huh?) She’s part of the raw food restaurant in Manhattan called Pure Food and Wine and also the website/resource oneluckyduck.com. Sarma talks about different ingredients, favorite products and appliances, her restaurant, and awesome recipes. I love reading through this book….it’s pretty hefty and has tons of info in it.  Oh btw, anyone wanna visit Pure Food and Wine with me?? okay...let's go.

I made a green smoothie this morning. I did. Yes. Um…not a lot to say other than it’s gonna be interesting to get used to. It had (and don’t think too hard about this) 1 bunch cilantro, 2 cups spinach, 1 bunch parsley, 3 stalks celery, 1 mango, 1 banana. I blended the whole thing in my blender. It made a sizable amount, but I’m proud to say that I enjoyed every bit of it. Okay, “enjoyed” might be going a little far…but I did drink the whole thing. And I’m positive my body thanked me for it. I just know it. Do you hear that body?? I’m doing this for YOU!

So. What do I hope to gain from this? Pretty simple actually. Energy, less sleep, weight loss, clarity, and eczema healing! I can’t wait for my skin to look better…
My goal is to do this for a year. And then see what I feel like doing after that.

After that, maybe…just maybe…I can take off the “amateur” in my title.

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