Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 24 of 365: Raw Travel

I recently went on a little jaunt out of town to Verity…and of course, was struck with the challenge of traveling with my raw diet. I figured it might be good to post what I brought and how I stayed raw. It’s surprisingly easy!

What I brought:
Premade green smoothies (see below)
Trail mix- sunflower seeds, chopped walnuts, chopped Brazil nuts, raisins
Raw muesli
Lara bars
Raw fudge

I made the smoothies the day I left and bottled them up in 3 mason jars…one for each day! They kept very well in the fridge. The first 2 had a firm texture to them (which comes with making smoothies with frozen fruit)… if you know what I mean.  The last one was just as delicious and palatable, but was more of a liquid.  I’ve heard of packing green smoothies in milk jugs too, but I prefer glass.

The trail mix and muesli were awesome snacks, as was the fruit.  Although I have to say, I only brought a few pieces of fruit because I knew Verity would have some.  Fruit is great to buy when you get to where you’re going. Less to pack and think about!

The Halvah and fudge were scrumptious “treats”…but Bethany Rowe can attest that being on raw food has in no way taken away my sweet tooth. I probably ate way more than I should have!  oops.

Also, another good option is to bring your own salad dressing. I didn’t do that, but I plan on bringing some next time.  I love making my dressing with olive oil, apple cider vinegar or liquid aminos (both Braggs brand), cayenne pepper, garlic…the possibilities are endless!

While I was there, I made a raw version of popcorn, which I’m totally addicted to.  I figured I’d give you the recipe so you can enjoy it too! 
Note: you can skip the nutritional yeast, and it’s just as tasty!  I also don’t add the water…but you can if you like!

Raw Popcorn
1 whole cauliflower, chopped in popcorn sized pieces
4-8 heaping teaspoons nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon or more sea salt
Black Pepper (just shake it on)
2 teaspoons or more olive oil
Water (just a splash)

Put it all in a gallon size zip lock bag and shake until your arms hurt. You can make it cheesier by adding more yeast. For something different and extra healthy, you can add 3 tablespoons of spirulina!

Another thing I’ve been thinking about a lot is how to handle going out to eat at a restaurant.  Victoria Boutenko’s book talked about printing out a “restaurant card,” which is the same size as a business card. The card lists the items you’re able to eat.  When you order, you give the card to your waitress.  Victoria says that in the past when she’s done this, her plate always reaches her table attractive and delicious. I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do yet, but I think the business card is a great idea!


  1. The popcorn is awesome, the fudge is awesome, and the halvah is awesome. For serious. I think I just wiped an unhulled sesame seed offa my face from my last piece.

    The 'restaurant card' isn't Victoria's only novel idea that is purportedly... uhm... beneficial to one's health and welfare. ;)

  2. Thumbs up on the travel ideas! I wonder too...could you freeze a green smoothie and pack it frozen? I was thinking that might be an option for longer trips. I can't say I've tried it, but I did wonder it :D I need to try your fudge and halvah. I think that will be my weekend project :)

  3. @BRowe how was the last piece?? I'm making more "havilah" tonight!! woot! get excited. come visit me and I shall share. no seriously. I might eat the whole thing if you don't come... bad.

    @Bethany I think you could probably freeze it! good idea! I'll have to try that. let me know how the fudge and halvah turn out if you make it! :)
